from ideation

to success

Are you looking to guide your startup teams to validated success?

My ideation workshops help them generate proof of their venture ideas’ potential, boosting success rates. 

Working with incubators, accelerators and venture builders, here’s what I bring to your programs:

focus on getting entrepreneurs out in the world with their ideas

practical experience as an awarded founder

academic background in entrepreneurship & innovation

Ideation & Idea Validation

I specialise in delivering talks and workshops on diverse entrepreneurial and innovation topics, focusing on early stage idea validation. That includes guiding entrepreneurs in understanding their problem-solution fit, strategically testing their business ideas through experiments & prototypes. Additionally, I help them explore customer discovery processes and encourage them to validate their assumptions, de-risking their venture.

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“Nicola was able to effectively break down key lessons from her entrepreneurship journey and really helped students at Camstart learn how to take a practical approach towards testing their hypotheses and ideas.”
Brandon Neo
Co-Founder of Camstart, a Social Enterprise Academy in Cambridge, UK
“It was wonderful to have Nicola back at the Judge to share her practical experiences with the current students, which resonated well with aspiring entrepreneurs and established business leaders alike. Nicola provided thoughtful, experience-based advice, which our students particularly appreciated. The positive feedback from attendees highlighted the impact of her advice on their outlook towards entrepreneurship.”
Monique Boddington
Deputy Director of Mst in Entrepreneurship at Cambridge Judge Business School
“Nicola is a natural at engaging early-stage innovators and entrepreneurs in the important development of a user-focused, problem-first mindset, encouraging them to explore what really matters through meaningful conversations, testing their assumptions, and stepping out of their comfort zones.”
Bruno Cotta
Fellow, Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge